The College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala organized a training course entitled (Space maintainer types, indications and contraindications), for the period 19-21-22/11/2023, where the target group for the course was college students, and the course lasted for 3 days in educational medical clinics as well as in Classrooms, attended by Assistant Lecturer Ahmed Raed Karim and Assistant Lecturer Nofa Adel Abdel Hussein.
The aim of the course is to clarify many important topics and matters to be taken into consideration about interdental space maintainers, as well as to introduce students to the space maintainer device, its types, uses, and importance in preventive pediatric dentistry. The course curriculum on the first day included an introduction to how the jaw develops and the eruption of baby teeth. Permanent teeth, the problems that accompany the eruption of permanent teeth, the use of a distance-keeping device on the second day, the types of device and how to choose the appropriate type for each clinical case on the third day.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
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