The College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala organized an educational campaign in the corridors of the Deanship of the College as part of a 16-day campaign to combat violence against women, under the auspices of the honorable Dean of the College, under the supervision of the Women’s Empowerment Unit in the College, and with the participation of a number of teaching professors and a group of male and female college students.
This educational campaign, which was held under the slogan (No to violence…our lives are more beautiful without violence), aims to provide awareness about the phenomenon of society’s violence against women and the need for the future to be free of manifestations of violence against women in all its forms, as well as to raise the level of societal awareness about the magnitude of the problems facing women. It has women around the world today.
The educational campaign included field awareness and several activities, including the display of posters related to society’s violence against women, which expressed the sadness and fear that surrounds women, as well as the display of a large poster to place the entire handprint in orange, which is the bright color designated by the United Nations to indicate the campaign to eliminate violence against women.
In conclusion, the participants in the educational campaign pointed out that the Islamic religion is the first and most fair to women and gives them their rights, and that women’s violence is more an individual behavioral deviation than a societal phenomenon, stressing that women are strong and must break the restrictions imposed on them and that they are capable of challenging reality despite the difficult circumstances that face them. surround it.
This campaign comes within a group of cultural activities held by the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala, which are directly related to the health and safety of society and is part of the efforts made by the Deanship of the College to engage in community service, as the world celebrates these days the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women under the slogan ( Color the world orange: Let’s end violence against women now!) The College of Dentistry participates with the international and local community in raising awareness of the importance of a future free of manifestations of violence against women.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Government Media and Communications Division