On the occasion of International Arabic Language Day, under the slogan (The young preacher – with good expression takes center stage), and under the patronage of the Minister of Youth and Sports and in coordination with the presidency of the University of Karbala, the Voluntary Development and Advancement Team is organizing its first oratorical competition for the category of university students in the art of public speaking and recitation. For those who wish to participate, contact us via mobile number 07716165721. Note that the deadline for receiving participation texts is Sunday, 12/17/2023, provided that contributions adhere to the following conditions and topics:
First: Competition conditions
1- The participant must be exclusively students from the University of Karbala
2- The participant must be within the preliminary studies – bachelor’s degree stage
3- The text must not be used or participated in other competitions
4- The competition is for males only
Second: The themes of the texts
1- The concept of the noble verse (You are the best nation brought forth for mankind, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong)
2- With knowledge and morals, nations advance.
3- With the help of youth, nations are built.
Participants will be honored as follows:
First: Financial prizes for the first three winners
1- The first winner: 1,000,000 Iraqi dinars
2- Second winner: 750,000 Iraqi dinars
3- Third winner: 500,000 Iraqi dinars
Second: A certificate of thanks and appreciation for the three winning students, along with their colleges (6), and certificates of participation in the competition for all participating students.
Third: Honoring the three colleges that won shields.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Government Media and Communications Division