A delegation from the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala visited the Specialized Dental Center in the Holy Governorate of Karbala, headed by the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Raouf Rashid Al Tohme, and accompanied by the Scientific Assistant, Assistant Professor Ali Salman Abdul Amir, and the Head of the Oral Diagnosis Branch, Lecturer Dr. Raed Razzaq Al Khafaji. The delegation offered congratulations and congratulations. To Dr. Diaa Muhammad Tohme on the occasion of his assumption of the position of Director of the Center, asking God Almighty to grant him success and payment in his duties.
During the visit, some important issues related to academics and dentists were discussed, and the attendees emphasized the necessity of joint cooperation between the Specialized Center for Dentistry and the college, and the establishment of joint scientific courses and workshops in a way that serves academic and educational institutions.
For his part, Dr. Dhia Muhammad Tohme welcomed this visit, stressing that the College of Dentistry is a scientific institution that was and still is fully connected with service institutions, especially the great importance that the College represents in providing health institutions in Karbala with competent medical staff of dentists.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Government Media and Communications Division