The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala organized a workshop entitled (Bad Cultural Invasion – Gender – Its Risks and Negative Effects on the Community Fabric) in Al-Zahraa Hall in the college, in which the teacher Fadel Nima Shalabh and the assistant teacher Haider Nihad Abdel Hamid lectured, in the presence of a group. Of the college’s male and female students.
The workshop, which was held under the slogan (The bad cultural invasion of the West in destroying Islamic society), aims to introduce participants to gender and gender culture in a correct definition and to warn of the danger of this type of culture to our society from the moral, religious and social aspects and how to deal with the promoters of this dangerous and foreign concept to our Iraqi culture. And Islamic.
The workshop included introducing the attendees to the historical roots and stages of the emergence of the concept of gender, what are the reasons for its emergence and development, and the influence of the feminist movement in its formulation and arrival to what it is today, in addition to tracking what happened and is happening in Western society after accepting and promoting gender.
The workshop recommended the necessity of adhering to what was stated in the Holy Qur’an and the purified Sunnah of the Prophet in everything related to reviving the common sense of man. It also recommended the necessity of limiting the discussion of gender to scientific circles and stopping its support and promotion in Iraqi society, as the culture of “gender” poses a real threat to the societal fabric and thus threatens to disintegrate the family. .
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Media and Government Communications Division