Today, Wednesday, January 17, 2024, the Women’s Empowerment Unit at the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala organized a scientific symposium entitled (The phenomenon of harassment… causes and risks), in which the teacher, Fadel Neama Shalabh, lectured in the continuing education hall at the college, in the presence of a number of employees and teachers.
The symposium aimed to define the concept of the phenomenon of harassment and explain the factors that help in the spread of this phenomenon, in addition to clarifying the legal texts that guarantee the victim’s rights and deter the harasser, which may lead to imprisonment.
The symposium included an explanation of the factors that help spread the phenomenon of harassment, such as weak religious faith, weak law, the tyranny of benefits, and unemployment. Unemployment is also a fundamental cause of harassment if it is linked to the social and cultural background of the harasser. The symposium confirmed that sexual harassment is a global societal phenomenon that societies suffer from. Humanity in all its forms.
At the end of the symposium, the participants concluded with a number of recommendations to reduce this phenomenon, including immunizing individuals, especially children, morally and socially against deviance, and preparing awareness and educational programs targeting various segments to educate the public on how to confront, treat, and eliminate the phenomenon of harassment.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Government Media and Communications Division