The technical support team at the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala conducted an experimental attendance registration process on the university’s electronic management system in the presence of the Dean of the College and his assistant for scientific affairs.
The program aims to read the code (QR Code) for recording students’ attendance at lectures and display the lists in the electronic system. This electronic system will be used to record attendance for students in the second semester of the current academic year 2023-2024.
It is worth noting that the goal of this electronic system is to create an integrated database for students, professors, and academic subjects, as well as to support e-learning in the college. It is an administrative and educational system at the same time, and it is part of the vision of the University of Karbala to transform paper-based administrative work into electronic administrative work according to the Ministry’s directives. Towards electronic governance and automation for all universities.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Media and Government Communications Division