Assistant Professor Dr. Akram Al-Yassari, a teaching assistant at the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala, was chosen as a resident member of the international magazine “Heliyon” specialized in dentistry. This magazine is issued by the international publishing house (Elsevier – ScienceDirect) and is considered one of the first international classifications of Q1 and has high laboratories. Impact 4 in Scopus rating.
Helion Magazine is concerned with publishing research in the field of dentistry for clinical and laboratory topics and dental materials in addition to dental implants. The magazine also aims to publish original research in the field of dentistry.
Al-Tadisi was chosen as a member of this magazine due to his scientific standing and his publication of a number of scientific research in journals inside and outside Iraq, in addition to his participation in local and international conferences such as:
1- The Seventh Najaf International Dental Conference 2023
2- International Dental Conference in the United Arab Emirates 2012
3- The First Baghdad International Conference on Cosmetics and Dentistry 2012
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
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