The Division of Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up at the University of Karbala organized a preparatory training course for the participants in the “University Debate World Cup”, including students, arbitrators and supervisors, in preparation for the start of the World Cup activities.
The course included introducing the participating students to the mechanisms of constructing and defending arguments and developing their abilities to refute other arguments.
The course curriculum, which lasts for five days, also includes teaching the arbitrators and supervisors who will participate in the “University Debate World Cup” the mechanisms of arbitrating and supervising the debates whose competitions will begin in the coming days within the colleges and develop to the university level.
The “University Debate World Cup” is a new experience in Iraq in which a large group of Iraqi universities participate. It aims to provide students with high skills in expression, discussion, argumentation, persuasion, and communication, and to enhance the student’s self-confidence, while the team that ranks first in the final qualifiers will qualify to participate in the international competitions that will be held. in Qatar.