The College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala organized a volunteer campaign to plant seedlings of roses and evergreen plants as part of the program of the National Planting Day initiative, which was announced by the office of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, on Tuesday, 3/12/2024. This campaign was organized under the auspices of the Deanship of the College and in cooperation with the Activities Division. Students, with the active participation of a group of teachers and first-year students.
The volunteer campaign that was held aims to introduce the environmental importance of planting plants in general, and evergreen trees and shrubs in particular, in order to improve and soften the surrounding atmosphere and reduce its pollution, as well as to preserve the beauty of the college’s gardens and courtyards and create a suitable atmosphere for the college’s members and students. This volunteer work also aims to instill the spirit of initiative in the hearts of students. Students work within one team spirit and provide them with tree planting skills.
The afforestation campaign included planting seedlings of roses and permanent plants in the gardens of the College of Dentistry opposite the deanship, leveling the land and cleaning the garden by uprooting dry trees, getting rid of dead branches, and delivering water to them, as well as applying the chemical fertilizers necessary for the growth of these seedlings.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Media and Government Communications Division