Continuing to work in educational medical clinics at the Dental College of Educational Medical Clinics at the Dental College at Karbala University, working and throughout Saturday, on Thursday during daily hours from 8:30 am and at the end of 2:30 pm Except for public holidays. The medical services provided to citizens include normal and surgical teeth, normal and immediate teeth, dental cleaning, dental orthodontics, fixed and moving teeth, as well as various aspects of children’s dentistry, and includes stuff species The following: Backgammon and background teeth, as well as photovoltaic fillings for the front teeth as well as rooting of the front teeth, as well as cosmetic fillings to close blanks between teeth. LLC Sultan Karim Sultan Division of Information and Government Communication
Website UnitComments Off on Continuing to work in educational medical clinics at the Dental College of Educational Medical Clinics at the Dental College at Karbala University, working and throughout Saturday, on Thursday during daily hours from 8:30 am and at the end of 2:30 pm Except for public holidays. The medical services provided to citizens include normal and surgical teeth, normal and immediate teeth, dental cleaning, dental orthodontics, fixed and moving teeth, as well as various aspects of children’s dentistry, and includes stuff species The following: Backgammon and background teeth, as well as photovoltaic fillings for the front teeth as well as rooting of the front teeth, as well as cosmetic fillings to close blanks between teeth. LLC Sultan Karim Sultan Division of Information and Government Communication