A teaching assistant at the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala, Assistant Professor Ali Salman Al-Haddad, participated in the committee evaluating the research presented in the fourth student scientific conference at Al-Kafeel University, which was held in the corridors of Al-Kafeel University. The conference witnessed the participation of a number of prominent Iraqi universities such as the University of Baghdad, the University of Karbala, the University of Kufa, and the University of Jaber bin Hayyan. In addition to Al-Kafeel University.
The conference, which was held under the slogan “Scientific Research, Rooting and Creativity,” aims to encourage scientific research among students and enhance creativity and innovation, as well as to develop their scientific abilities and enhance their self-confidence. It also encourages them to self-learn and integrate into learning the principles of scientific research and working in teams, which helps prepare them for the academic or professional labor market.
The conference included a discussion by the specialized committees composed of the participating dental colleges of the students’ submitted scientific research, and its value according to specific scientific standards and regulations. At the conclusion of the conference, Al-Kafeel University honored the discussion committees, supervisors, and participating students, and presented certificates of appreciation to the deans and faculty for their efforts, as well as offering awards for research. The three highest rated winners.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Media and Government Communications Division