A thesis at the University of Karbala discussing the grammatical meaning in the interpretation of Lubab al-Tafsir by Al-Kirmani

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A doctoral thesis at the College of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Karbala discussed the grammatical meaning in the interpretation of “Lubab al-Tafsir” by al-Kirmani (d. 500 AH), presented by researcher Ali Abbas Najm.

The study relied on the descriptive analytical approach, where the researcher studied the interpretation of “Lubab al-Tafsir” by Al-Kirmani in a precise and organized manner, focusing on examples in which Al-Kirmani uses the grammatical meaning.

The study showed that the linguistic context plays an important role in determining grammatical meaning according to Al-Kirmani, as he used many linguistic factors such as grammatical devices and linguistic structures.