Karbala University organizes a symposium on the role of the media in combating domestic violence

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The College of Agriculture at the University of Karbala organized a symposium on the role of the media in combating domestic violence, in the presence of a group of academics and interested parties.

The symposium aimed to introduce violence and domestic violence and explain the role of the media in confronting this phenomenon.

The symposium, which was organized electronically, was attended by the teaching assistant at the College of Agriculture, Hind Faiq, and the two assistant teachers, Mustafa Abbas Muhammad Ali and Haider Abbas Al-Janabi.

The symposium topics included introducing violence and domestic violence, explaining the effects of violence on the family, society, societal groups most exposed to violence, and the draft domestic violence law in Iraq.

The symposium also addressed how Iraqi law deals with issues of domestic violence and the role of the media in combating domestic violence.