-A study at the University of Karbala discusses the effect of the SLC5A2 polymorphism on the response of diabetic patients to empagliflozin treatment

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A master’s thesis at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Karbala discussed the effect of the SLC5A2 polymorphism on the response to empagliflozin treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes.

The letter submitted by researcher Benin Hadi Saeed aimed to study the effect of genetic variations in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) on their response to empagliflozin treatment.

The study found that type 2 diabetes is a genetically heterogeneous and complex disease that specializes in high blood sugar levels, and that the differences in the phenotype of T2DM patients are due to genetic variation, changes in lifestyle, and other environmental factors. The study also found that there are differences Significant glycemic indices and body mass indices were significant among the study groups.