University of Karbala:A study at the University of Karbala addresses the effects of the collapse of the Soviet Union on international relations

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A master’s thesis at the College of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Karbala addressed the position of the Arab Levant countries on the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, submitted by the student Amal Abbas Hussein.

The importance of the thesis lies in the fact that it provides an in-depth study of the internal and external causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union and its effects on the internal and external levels.

The study showed that the collapse of the Soviet Union brought about tremendous transformations in international relations, and had a tangible impact on the countries of the Arab Levant, including Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and the Gulf states.

The study concluded that Iraq’s position on the collapse of the Soviet Union appeared to be supportive of internal and external considerations. The internal one was represented by the economic and urban deterioration as a result of the Iran-Iraq war, while the external position of the Soviet Union remaining neutral in the First Gulf War was a setback in the history of relations after they had been united by a cooperation agreement. It occurred in the early seventies.