Relatively new disease .. Sending SMS while sleeping

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Ohio: Doctors in the US say they are seeing more cases of patients with a relatively new disorder, texting during sleep.

And the American channel “TV Ten” reported the case of one of the patients, Elizabeth Hammonds, who said that she learned from a friend that she had sent him text messages that she did not realize she had sent.

“My friend told me I texted him at 3am, and he didn’t know what I meant,” Hammonds said. “I couldn’t believe I did it.”

Dr. Marcus Schmidt, of the Institute of Sleep Medicine in Ohio, said he’s been seeing more cases of texting during sleep.

He added, “Four out of five teenagers have mobile phones near their beds in the bedroom… Only one out of 10 teenagers turns off their devices when they sleep.”

According to Schmidt, sleep deprivation can lead to common motor behaviors during sleep, including reaching for the phone when it rings.

“It’s the kind of situation where a teenager isn’t fully awake, but feels the need or urge to respond to that text message,” Schmidt said, noting that it could have a genetic link.