The importance of the tooth tooth in oral health and beauty

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The first premolar plays an important role in chewing. This tooth also serves as a guide for the growth of other permanent teeth and its presence has a significant impact on the natural shape of the jaws and ultimately the beauty of the facial composition. If there is a disorder in the growth of this tooth, it will cause the teeth to not be arranged.
If we count the teeth of the jaws from the middle line of the teeth, then the sixth tooth in each quadrant of the jaws (upper and lower jaws on the right and left) is called the first upper jaw, the first premolar or the sixth tooth.
This tooth grows in the mouth of children around the age of six and is the first permanent tooth. For this reason, this age is sometimes referred to as the six-year-old.
The first premolar plays an important role in chewing. In addition, this tooth acts as a guide for the growth of other permanent teeth and its presence has a significant impact on the natural shape of the teeth and thus the shape of the jaws.
Because permanent teeth are expected to appear in the mouth after the loosening and falling of the milk teeth, sometimes parents do not notice the growth of permanent teeth, and in many cases they sometimes realize their presence after examining the teeth and mouth, where the dentist discusses the decay and the need to repair the premolar or first molar.