Orthodontic procedure for crowning teeth

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Given what has been said, the question that now arises is whether those who have undergone dental veneers can wear braces or not. Surely these people will not be deprived of this blessing. During orthodontics, each experienced orthodontist first prepares all necessary photographs of the patient’s teeth and jaw in order to obtain sufficient information for the selection of the straightening method and the location of the brackets. For example, these images help the orthodontist make better decisions about veneer teeth. However, these teeth also need to be arranged, and on the other hand, placing the abutment over the veneer causes problems such as the brackets not adhering to the tooth properly. Therefore, at this time, the orthodontist must perform orthodontic techniques over dental crowns. The most important tricks that any experienced orthodontist can do regarding the overlap of braces and veneers are:

Sometimes orthodontists find it necessary to use braces so that the veneered teeth can be arranged during straightening without damaging the veneers.
However, many teeth can be veneered together, so an experienced orthodontist recommends, after examining the images obtained from the teeth, to shave and separate the veneers of adjacent teeth so that the bracket can be easily placed. In such cases, the veneers must be replaced later.
Phosphoric acid cannot be used for buccal surface etching, and HF acid must be used.
Finally, we advise you to have a good orthodontic procedure and a dental crown. It is recommended to prioritize orthodontics if you do not have a dental crown yet and are planning to have orthodontics so that the crown and orthodontics do not interfere. Or if a tooth needs to be extracted, the tooth that needs a veneer should be extracted.