Orthodontics and treatment of crowded teeth

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Crowding is a condition where there is not enough space for all the teeth in a row. As a result, teeth may be crooked, uneven, irregular, or pressed against or behind adjacent teeth. Crowded and irregular teeth result from a mismatch between the size of the teeth and the size of the jaw.

In fact, if a person’s teeth are too large compared to their jaw size, they will not be able to fit in the available space. As a result, there is no harmonious relationship between them and they will not be grouped into a special and natural order.

One of the causes of dental crowding can be the sooner (or later) loss of deciduous teeth, which leads to improper growth of the permanent teeth. For example, if a baby tooth is lost prematurely, there will be a gap between the surrounding teeth, and they will tend to move into the empty space. This allows the permanent teeth to grow in a crooked position.