Both are really important for the orthodontist and the patient. The optimal age for orthodontics is between 7 to 12 years, because the jaw bones have not yet fully developed during these years and are flexible and easily adjustable. So if your child or one of your relatives suffers at this age from deformed and disorganized teeth, this age group is the best time for orthodontics. So you can have beautiful teeth in adulthood by seeing an orthodontist in time for treatment.
Orthodontics affects the beauty of the face greatly. Orthodontics and beauty are two categories that are inseparable from each other. This question usually comes to many people’s minds: Is orthodontics a cosmetic treatment or not?
Orthodontics affects the beauty of the face, chin and lips in a positive and noticeable way. In orthodontic treatment, the orthodontist measures the dimensions of the face to find out the degree of balance between the nose, lips and chin, because it is important for the patient to be able to close his mouth when breathing or eating.
A beautiful smile is one of the most important factors that contribute to communicating with others and increasing self-confidence. Therefore, you can have a beautiful smile and tidy teeth by resorting to orthodontic treatment.