What is dry mouth?

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Dry mouth is a disorder that affects the production of saliva in the salivary glands in the mouth. These do not work normally, so the amount of saliva produced is not enough to keep the mouth moist.

Normally, the average daily saliva production is 1 to 1.5 liters, and it decreases significantly at night. While we sleep the flow of saliva is less, and this is when the salivary glands take a ‘little break’ before being fully activated when we wake up in the morning.

Xerostomia can be a serious problem, because saliva has multiple functions on a body level:

Digestive system; Mixed with food, saliva contains some substances that start the digestion process and allow the food to be swallowed.
Lubricant; Not only when swallowing, but also to be able to speak properly.
pH regulator; Protects teeth from demining by maintaining an adequate acid protectant that neutralizes acids produced by dental biofilm bacteria.
protective; It contains a small amount of enzymes that act as a powerful antibacterial.
healing; Thanks to saliva, oral wounds are protected from infection and heal more quickly.