Types of surgeries to treat receding gums

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There are many surgeries to treat gum disease. And this mirror

Drop cysts or scrape and smoothen the root with a flap
During this procedure, the dentist or periodontist (periodontist) lifts the infected gum tissue and very thoroughly disinfects the entire affected area, removing bacteria from the gum cysts and smoothing the root surface. Finally, place and secure the gum tissue firmly in place.

If the bone that holds the teeth is affected, it is recommended to apply a procedure that replenishes the lost bone and tissue. As in the previous case, the dentist lifts the gum tissue and removes bacteria. Then he applies a regenerative material, such as a membrane, graft tissue, or tissue-stimulating protein, to encourage the natural regeneration of bone and tissue in that area. After the placement of the renewable material, the gum tissue is placed and secured. y posiciona

Soft tissue grafting
There are several types of gum tissue grafting procedures, but the most common is the grafting known as connective tissue grafting. This surgery toma takes a piece of gum from the palate from which the sub-trocito encía connective tissue is removed. This extracted tissue is then placed over the exposed roots, gum is placed and a flap is sutured.