Tips to keep your teeth white

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In addition to using teeth whitening products, if you want to show off healthier, whiter dentures, there are other essential tips you can put into practice daily:

Always brush your teeth properly after every meal. This should be complete, preventing dirt and stains from building up on the enamel over time.

Flossing (or interdental brushes) and mouthwashes are an extra help in keeping bacterial plaque at bay. Prevent your teeth from losing their natural color with these simple practices.

Frequent visits to the dentist
It is inevitable that with the passage of time the tooth enamel will suffer certain damages. This is why it is so important to have an annual visit to the dentist, as well as a deeper professional hygiene with some periodicity.

The dentist will be able to detect any problem in the teeth and gums in time, giving you accurate recommendations for an early solution. Going to the dentist is not just a matter of aesthetics. Do it above all for your oral health.