Dentistry is a branch of medicine. It specializes in studying, diagnosing and treating diseases of the mouth, face, jaws, teeth and surrounding tissues, and preventing them. It branches into many specialties.
Dentistry is both an art and a science. Dentists, or dental surgeons, are specialists in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity. The dentist is assisted by a supportive team that provides services such as the use of radiography and other techniques to ensure correct diagnosis and treatment planning. Treatment may include filling cavities, removing tooth nerves during root canal treatment, treating gum disease, extracting teeth if needed, and replacing missing teeth with dentures. Anesthesia is frequently used before treatment which may cause pain. Teeth can be filled with gold, silver, porcelain, or a combination. Many diseases of the soft tissues of the mouth fall within the field of dentistry, the most common of which is periodontal disease
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