Karbala University discusses the role of protected agriculture in facing climate extremism

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The College of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Karbala discussed a master’s thesis in the Department of Applied Geography titled (The Role of Protected Agriculture in Confronting Climate Extremism in the Holy Governorate of Karbala).

The research aimed to study the natural and human factors that contributed to the geographical distribution of protected agriculture in the study area, and to reveal the reality of the production of protected agriculture and its efficiency in facing climate extremism in the governorate.

The study presented by the researcher, Mona Abdel-Zahra Abdullah, relied on the systematic approach that studies the natural and human factors affecting protected agriculture, and the descriptive analytical approach to explain and analyze the causal and functional relationships between climate extremes and protected agriculture.

The study plan came with an introduction, a preface, five chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter dealt with the theoretical framework, while the second chapter dealt with the natural and human characteristics of the study area, and the third chapter showed the geographical distribution of greenhouses, while the fourth chapter defined climate extremism, its causes and consequences, while the last dealt with the statistical analysis of tunnels and houses. PVC.

The study reached several conclusions, including that natural and human factors affected creating a kind of spatial variation in the geographical distribution of protected agriculture in Karbala.

The study also presented several recommendations, the most important of which is the need to activate the role of government institutions by providing support and guidance to farmers in protected farms, as well as forming monitoring teams to follow up protected agriculture to identify problems and give data to researchers in order to find solutions and treatments.