Your baby feels colic

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Young infants are exposed to bouts of distress accompanied by intense, frequent crying that lasts for long periods known as colic, and usually begins a few weeks after birth and improves when the infant is 3 months old.

Colic is usually defined by crying for three or four hours a day, three or more days a week, and for three or more weeks in unhealthy infants.

Crying may seem like an expression of pain and start for no apparent reason, and its timing can be predicted, as its attacks usually begin at night.

There are always logical and natural reasons for their crying, such as: hunger, in which case you will find your child making some movements that indicate his need for food, such as moving his hand violently towards his mouth, or sucking his finger.

And when you need to sleep, you will find your baby moving his feet and hands a lot, and scratching his ears.

Feeling of bloating and gas .. It is one of the most disturbing things that cause infants to cry, and you can massage the abdomen and back, especially the stomach area, or turn your infant on his stomach for a while.