What is silent esophageal reflux in infants?

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Infants develop silent reflux oesophagitis
Silent esophageal reflux is known as the condition in which milk comes out of the stomach of the newborn into the esophagus, reaches the throat and the back opening of the nose, and may reach the mouth and the infant swallows it again, so it is called silent reflux, because the milk does not come out of the child’s mouth and therefore the mother does not feel it Or you notice it, but this type of reflux is more painful than normal reflux, as it may affect the larynx and respiratory system sometimes, and the infant feels a burning sensation in the esophagus as a result of the acidic gastric juice coming out with the milk, and he continues to suffer because of the heartburn that if an adult person suffers from it, it is It annoys and hurts him.