Academic program description

 University of Kerbala College of dentistrySupervised by the dean of college od dentistry   Assistant Professor Dr. Mohanad Salah Abdulsatar 2022-2023


Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research 

Scientific supervision and evaluation system

Department of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation

Academic program description form for colleges and institutes for the academic year 2022-2023

 University: Kerbala  

 College: dentistry

 Scientific department: one department college

 The date of fill out the form: 22/8/2022

The file was checked by the Quality Assurance Division and university performance

The name of the Quality Assurance Division manager:

assistant lecturer Rusel Natiq Turky

Date: 12/4/2022


Dean Authentication Assistant Professor Dr.Mohand Salah AbdulsatarSignature:Date:17/4/2022 

Dean Assistant for the Scientific Affairs

Assistant professor

Ali Salman Abdulameer


Date: 14/4/2022

 Academic program description

The Academic program description provides a summary for the most important features of the programs and the learning outcome that was expected from the student through fulfilment the maximum benefit of the available opportunities. Also, provides the course description within the program.

 1.Acadimic institution: Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

2. scientific department/ Centre: college of dentistry/ university of Kerbala.

3. academic or professional program: college of dentistry

4. final certificate: Bachelor’s degree in oral and dental surgery

5. Educational system: annual/ courses: Annual

6. Accreditation program that approved on the study: Theoretical and practice

7. The external influences: the laboratories, library, internet, the hospital educational clinics

8. The description initiation date: 8/4/2022

9. The aim of the academic program

  • knowledge and understanding of the basics of medicine in general and the dentistry in special and the local, reginal and international standards.
  • Developing thinking and critical thinking skills to make medical behavior based on evidence and not intuition and opinions.
  • Developing the skills of problem solving, decision making, and effective communication.
  • The ability to work in a team spirit and assume the leadership role assigned to him when necessary.
  • The ability to provide comprehensive health care, not reductionism, meaning that the dentist has two identities: that of a general practitioner and that of a dental specialist.

10. The required program outcome and the methods of learning, teaching, and evaluation.

A.  Cognitive objectives

A1/ Enabling the students to get knowledge and understanding in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

A2/ Enabling the students to get knowledge and understanding in prosthodontics.

A3/ Enabling the students to get knowledge and understanding in general disease that affect the human body and their relation to dental and oral health and its impact on the treatment plan.

A4/ Enabling the students to get knowledge and understanding in orthodontics.

A5/ Enabling the students to get knowledge and understanding in oral diagnosis.

A6/ Enabling the students to get knowledge and understanding in modern technology like laser and its role in dental treatment.

A7/ Enabling the students to get knowledge and understanding in periodontics.

A8/ Enabling the students to get knowledge and understanding in pedodontics and preventive dentistry.

A9/ Enabling the students to get knowledge and understanding in maxillofacial diseases.

B.  Skills objectives of the program  

B1/ Graduating students capable of treating diseases of the mouth, teeth, and surrounding areas efficiently.

B2/ Working to lead health prevention programs for the mouth and teeth, thus reducing the rate of diseases.

B3/ Obtain the skills required for post-graduation plan – postgraduate studies.

B4/ Applying for external tests by local, regional and international centers.

B5/ Continuous learning throughout life by cultivating the skills of learning, critical thinking, and how to obtain the correct information.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Providing students with the basics and additional topics related to the previous learning outcomes of skills and with the knowledge and systems described in the cognitive objectives to solve practical problems.
  • Clarification and explanation of study materials by the academic staff.
  • Providing students with knowledge through homework assignments for academic subjects.
  • Adopting assessment systems that emphasize quality and not just quantity by adopting the educational portfolio.   This helps to shift from assessment of (learning of) to assessment for (learning for). Requiring students to visit the library to obtain academic knowledge related to academic subjects.
  • Adopting e-learning by improving students’ skills in using virtual educational programs and websites and encouraging visits to websites to obtain additional knowledge of academic subjects.
  • Applying the topics studied theoretically at the practical level in various branches of dentistry.
  • During clinical lessons, students are asked to perform some surgical operations under the supervision of their professors.
  • Visiting practical laboratories by the academic staff.
  • Holding periodic dental seminars and workshops on dentistry and hosting professors from other colleges or external lecturers.

Evaluation methods

  • Daily tests with multiple-choice questions for subjects that require practical skills.
    • Daily exams with practical questions.
    • Quarterly exams.
    • Semi-annual and final exams.
    • Educational portfolio.
    • Establishing grades for homework.
    • Degrees of participation in competitive questions for academic topics.
    • Daily evaluation of the student’s work in scientific laboratories and educational clinics

 C- Emotional and value goals

C1/ By linking patient changes to clinical signs.

 C2/ The student will be able to find relationships between pathogens.

C3/ Enabling the student to use available diagnostic methods to identify medical conditions.

 C4/ Practical skills that enable the student to reach treatment through what he has drawn in his mind about the mechanism of the disease.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Providing the students with the basics and additional topics related to previous educational outcomes and skills to solve practical problems.
    • Applying the topics studied theoretically at the practical level in various branches of dentistry.
    • Asking students during clinical lessons to perform some surgical operations under the supervision of their professors.
    • Visiting practical laboratories by academic staff.
    • Holding periodic seminars and workshops on dentistry and hosting professors from other colleges or external lecturers.

Evaluation methods

  • Daily exams with multiple-choice questions that require practical skills.
  • Daily exams with practical questions.
  • Semester exams.
  • Degrees of participation in competitive questions for academic topics.
  • Daily evaluation of the student’s work in scientific laboratories and educational clinics.
  • Assigning grades for homework’.

D- Transferable general and qualifying skills (other skills related to employability and personal development)

D1/ Enabling the students to have the communication skills and negotiations in areas of life.

D2/ Enabling the students to possess leadership and management skills in their privet field and other activities.

D3/ Enabling the students to pass professional exams organized by local/reginal /international bodies.

D4/ Enabling the students to continue self-development after graduation.

   Teaching and learning methods

  • Developing teaching curricula in coordination with the Committee of Deans of Colleges of Dentistry in Iraq.
    • Discussing curriculum items and changing them to suit the development in dental sciences.
    • Developing teaching curricula by the college that are similar to the work environment.
    • Sending students for training in institutions, hospitals and dental clinics.
    • Training students with experiences that simulate reality.
    • Inviting some professional bodies and organizing meetings with students.

Evaluation methods

  • Daily exams with self-solved homework questions.
  • Participation marks for competitive questions related to the academic subject.
  •  Specific grades for homework.

11.  Planning for personal development

– Lectures on human development and including them in the curriculum.

-Introducing a learning program with small groups for critical thinking, communication, and leadership.

12. Admission standard (establishing regulations related to admission to the college or institute) centrally/according to the requirements of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

13. The most important sources of information about the program.

A- The central library at the university and the college library.

B- The Internet information network.

C- Experiences of Arab and international universities.

D- Current curricula.

Course Description Form (Basic Medical Sciences Branch)

 Course description

The course description provides a necessary summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the learning outcomes that the student is expected to achieve, demonstrating whether he has made the most of the available learning opportunities, and this must be linked to the program description.

1. Educational institution: College of Dentistry

2. Scientific Department/Center: Basic Medical Sciences Branch

3. Course name/code: Medical biology, general anatomy, medical physics, chemistry, computer science, general histology, physiology, English language, dental anatomy, human rights

4. Available forms of attendance: practical and theoretical

5. Semester/Year: Annual.

6. The total number of study hours (120, 120, 120, 120, 60, 60, 120, 60).

7. The preparation date of this description was 4/8/2022.

8. Course objectives.

1) Providing the student with practical and theoretical information that helps in adapting to modern methods of treating diseases of the teeth and oral cavity and methods of preventing these diseases for children and adults.

2) Teaching the student the basic sciences that support the dentist, which are computers, microbiology, general anatomy, dental anatomy, and medical physics.

3) Providing the student with practical and theoretical information on identifying the structure of teeth and the tissue inside the oral cavity.  

9. Course outcomes and teaching, learning and evaluation methods.

 A- Cognitive objectives

A1- Teaching the student how to link theoretical information with the practical aspect applied in treating various dental and oral diseases.

 A2- Introducing students to how to rely on various dental devices to accomplish their mission to diagnose dental and oral diseases.

 A3- Enabling the student to know how to control diseases that are transmitted from one person to another.

 A4- Introducing the student to methods for developing his personal skills in various dental clinics.

A5- Enabling the student to know how to establish specialized dental clinics.

B- The skills objectives of the course

B1- Giving the student the skills to apply scientific methods regarding the needs of dental clinics.

 B2- Training the student on the skills of the devices used in treating dental and oral diseases.

B3- Providing the student with the necessary skills to examine all contents of the oral cavity, including teeth and others, as well as to perform surgical operations for various gum diseases and surgical injuries to the face and jaws.

Teaching and learning methods

 Giving theoretical and practical lectures through presentation screens, PowerPoints, slides, microscopes, and industrial models that simulate teeth and various oral structures as a first step before starting the actual application on the live model in various dental clinics.

Evaluation methods

Conducting quick daily exams (Quizzes), conducting monthly exams, conducting final exams.

 C- Emotional and value goals

 C1- Enabling the student to apply medical theoretical information in a practical way.

C2- Developing the spirit of interaction and communication with the dental patient as part of gaining the trust of the patient undergoing treatment.

C3- Instilling the concept of community service and the best way to prevent dental diseases by spreading awareness among citizens about oral hygiene and teeth cleaning.

 C-4 Developing the ethics of the dentist profession among students by following correct professional behavior.

Teaching and learning methods

Giving scientific and theoretical lectures and using the dental clinics for student training.

Evaluation methods

     Quick daily (Quizzes), monthly, quarterly and final exams, as well as supervising the development of students’ skills in dental clinics, as the practical aspect has a higher degree in evaluation, especially in the advanced stages of college.

D – General and qualifying transferable skills (other skills related to employability and personal development)

D-1 Developing students’ skills and abilities to use various dental devices.

10. Course structure

Evaluation  Objective name  learning outcome  Hours of Teaching methodweek
ExamsGeneral AnatomyAddition of learning outcome2Theory +2practiceweekly
ExamsDental anatomyAddition of learning outcome1Theory +2practiceweekly
ExamsComputer scienceAddition of learning outcome1Theory +2practiceweekly
ExamsMedical physicsAddition of learning outcome2Theory +2practiceweekly
ExamsphysiologyAddition of learning outcome2Theory +2practiceweekly
ExamsGeneral histologyAddition of learning outcome2Theory +2practiceweekly
ExamsHuman rightsAddition of learning outcome1Theory  weekly
ExamsEnglish languageAddition of learning outcome1Theoryweekly
ExamsMicro biologyAddition of learning outcome2Theory +2practiceweekly
ExamsArabic languageAddition of learning outcome1Theoryweekly
ExamsAlba’ath crimesAddition of learning outcome1Theoryweekly
ExamsMedical ChemistryAddition of learning outcome2Theory +2practiceweekly
ExamsMedical termsAddition of learning outcome1Theory  weekly
ExamPharmacologyAddition of learning outcome1theory+ 2practiceWeekly

 11. Infrastructure

1- Required prescribed books: Prescribed methodological books

2-Main references (sources) Supporting sources for each course

A- Recommended books and references (scientific journals, reports) …., scientific journals in basic specialties and dentistry.

 B-Electronic references, Internet sites, the e-learning site of the University of Karbala.

12. Course development plan

Developing academic curricula in line with global developments in dentistry.

Course Description Form (Branch of Maxillofacial Surgery)

 Course description

 This course description provides a necessary summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the learning outcomes that the student is expected to achieve, demonstrating whether he has made the most of the available learning opportunities, and this must be linked to the program description.

1. Educational institution: University of Karbala / Dentistry

2. Scientific Department/Center: Branch of Maxillofacial Surgery

3. Course name/code: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – General Anatomy

4. Available forms of attendance: theoretical, practical

5. Semester/Year: Annual

6. Number of study hours (total): 120, 60

7. The date this description was prepared is 4/8/2022

8. Course objectives

  • Providing the student with practical and theoretical information about the science of maxillofacial surgery.
  • Increasing capabilities in the field of surgery, both practically and theoretically.
  • Explaining the most important diseases that affect the face and jaws and identifying the most important successful treatments for them.
  • Explaining the most important changes that occur in the maxillofacial area, the factors causing them, and methods of treating them.

    9.  Course outcomes and teaching, learning and evaluation methods

 A- Cognitive objectives

 A-1 Identify the concept of maxillofacial surgery.

 A-2 Disease development and course of the disease

 A-3 Changes that occur in the maxillofacial area after the disease onset.

 A-4 Students gain knowledge of the clinical events and signs and link them with the general changes in the disease condition.

  A-5 Identify the most important diseases that affect the face and jaws.

B – The skills objectives of the course

 B1- Training students on minor facial and maxillofacial surgeries.

 B2 – Increasing students’ awareness of advanced cases that need treatment in specialized centers.

 B3 – Increasing the ability to identify modern diagnostic methods.

 B 4- Increasing the student’s knowledge of methods for taking samples from cases that need histological examination.

  Teaching and learning methods

1-Theoretical aspect: The student learns the basics of maxillofacial surgery and links it to the other sciences

 2- The practical aspect: In educational clinics, the student learns diagnosis, tooth extraction, and minor operations.

Evaluation methods

1- Theoretical exams (daily, monthly, yearly).

 2-Practical exams (daily, monthly, annual).

C- Emotional and value goals

 C-1 Learn about the science of maxillofacial surgery in detail.

 C-2 Knowing the most important symptoms and signs to make predictions and questions to reach an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

C-3 Increasing the student’s ability to link events to reach an accurate diagnosis.

 C-4 Expanding the student’s mind in the field of general and special pathology and maxillofacial surgery.

Teaching and learning methods

  1-Theoretical/through scientific lectures and new explanatory methods.

 2- Practical / through practical lectures in the laboratory and in clarifying pathological slides, pictures of organs, and the anatomy of pathological cases.

Evaluation methods

1- Theoretical exams (daily, monthly, yearly).

2-Practical exams (daily, monthly, annual).

D-Transferable general and qualifying skills (other skills related to employability and personal development)

 D-1 Enabling the student to know how to diagnose the disease and the pathology of the disease

 D-2 Enable the student to recognize the differential diagnosis of the disease and compare it with other diseases.

 3- Required prescribed books: Prescribed methodological books.

4- Main references (sources): Supporting sources for each course.

A- Recommended books and references, such as scientific journals and reports (in the specialties of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery)

B- Electronic references, Internet sites. ….. (E-learning website of the University of Karbala).

10- Course structure

Evaluation methodObjective name  learning outcomeHours of Teaching method  Week
ExamOral and maxillofacial surgery (3rd stage)Addition of learning outcome1theory+ 2practiceWeekly
ExamOral and maxillofacial surgery (4th stage)Addition of learning outcome2theory+ 4practiceWeekly
ExamOral and maxillofacial surgery (5th stage)Addition of learning outcome2theory+ 4practiceWeekly
ExamGeneral Anatomy/ (1st , 2nd stage)Addition of learning outcome2theory+ 4practiceWeekly
ExamPeriodontics (4th, 5th stage)Addition of learning outcome2theory+ 4practiceWeekly
ExamGeneral surgery 4th stageAddition of learning outcome1theory+ 2practiceWeekly
ExamGeneral medicine 4th stageAddition of learning outcome1theory+ 2practiceWeekly

11- Infrastructure

12- Course development plan.

1) Increase field visits to teaching hospitals.

2) Encourage visits to the college library and the central library at the university.

3) Urging students to benefit from summer training in specialized medical centers and the teaching hospital.

Course Description Form (Oral Diagnosis Branch)

Course description

 This course description provides a summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the learning outcomes that the student is expected to achieve, demonstrating whether he or she has made the most of the learning opportunities available. And start by linking it to the program description.

1. Educational Institution, University of Karbala / College of Dentistry

2. Scientific Department/Center, Oral Diagnostics Branch

3. Course name/code: Oral medicine, oral pathology, general pathology, dental x-rays, pharmacology.

4. Available forms of attendance: theoretical, practical

5. Semester/Year: Annual

6. Total number of study hours (90,90,120,120,90)

7. The date this description was prepared is 4/8/2022

8. Course objectives

1- Providing the student with the practical and the theoretical information on how to study and diagnose pathological conditions clinically and laboratory, starting from tooth decay to complex cancerous diseases, using all laboratory and radiological diagnostic methods.

 2- Study of oral symptoms and signs of some systemic diseases

 3- Study of medicines used in dentistry and used in various treatments.

9. the course outcome and the teaching, learning, and evaluation methods.

A- Cognitive objectives

A1- Enabling the student to know and understand the science of oral medicine.

A2- Enabling the student to know and understand the science of maxillofacial radiology.

 A3- Enabling the student to know and understand the science of diseases that affect the body in general and the face and jaws in particular

 A4- Enabling the student to know and understand the science of medicine (pharmacology).

B – The skills objectives of the course

 B1 – Providing the student with skills in how to take x-rays used in dentistry.

 B2 – Providing the student with skills in the process of reading pathological slides.

B3 – Providing the student with skills in how to take a patient’s medical history and deal with diseases that may change the method of dental treatment.

  Teaching and learning methods

The basic topics of the branch, by linking the theoretical aspect to the practical aspect, teach the student theoretically and practically.

Evaluation methods

Theoretical and practical exams (daily and monthly)

C- Emotional and value goals

C-1 Analytical skills that enable the student to know the human body’s immune structures

 C-2 Creative skills that enable the student to perform the process of sterilization and disinfection using chemicals.

C-3 Practical skills that enable the student to apply the theoretical and practical aspects in laboratories.

Teaching and learning methods

Developing students’ ability on the subject of infectious diseases, their diagnosis, their risks, ways of transmitting them between people, how to treat and deal with them, cancerous diseases, their radiological descriptions, and how to treat them.

 Evaluation methods

 Exams (theoretical and practical) daily and monthly

D – General and qualifying transferable skills (other skills related to employability and personal development).

  D-1 General and transferable skill (related to personal development potential).

 D-2 Enabling the student to know the importance of diagnostic and treatment sciences and linking them to each other.

10. Course structure

WeekHours of Teaching methodlearning outcomeObjective nameEvaluation  
Weekly 2theory+ 2practiceAddition of learning outcomeOral medicine 5th stageExam
Weekly2theory+ 2practiceAddition of learning outcomeOral pathology 4th stageExam
Weekly21theory+2practiceAddition of learning outcomeGeneral pathology 3rd  stageExam
Weekly1theory+ 2practiceAddition of learning outcomeOral and Dental radiology 3rd stageExam
Weekly2theory+ 2practiceAddition of learning outcomeOral histology and embryology 2nd stageExam

 11. Infrastructure.

12. Required textbooks: Prescribed methodological books

13. Main references (sources): Sources supporting each course.

A – Recommended books and references: (scientific journals, reports) …., scientific journals in medical and dental specialties.

 B- Electronic references: Internet sites. …. the e-learning website of the University of Karbala

14. Course development plan

 Adding update to the curricula as part of the development occurring in each course, at a rate not exceeding 10%.

Course Description Form (Operative dentistry Branch)

 Course description provides

 This course description is a necessary summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the learning outcomes that the student is expected to achieve, demonstrating whether he has made the most of the available learning opportunities. It must be linked to the program description

1. Educational institution: University of Karbala / College of Dentistry

2. Scientific Department/Center:  Operative dentistry Branch

3. Course name/code: Dental anatomy, conservative dentistry, endodontics, crowns and bridges

4. Forms of the available attendance: theoretical and practical.

5. Semester/Year: Annual

6. Total number of study hours (120,120,60,60)

7. The date this description was prepared: 4/8/2022

8. Course objectives

a. Enabling the student to understand the tooth parts and how to treat diseases resulting from caries, which include the outer layer of the tooth and the nerve of the tooth, in addition to the diseases associated with the teeth as a result of their loss and the method of replacing them with fixed crowns and bridges.

b. Enabling the student to rely on modern sources for the purpose of conducting research and seminars.

9. Course outcome and teaching, learning, and evaluation methods.

A- Cognitive objectives

 A1 – Enable the student to know and understand the shape, anatomy and parts of teeth.

 A2 – Enabling the student to know and understand making special designs on teeth for the purpose of replacing them physiologically and aesthetically

 A-3 Enabling the student to improve the patient’s health condition and relieve his pain through root canal fillings

 B – The skills objectives of the course

B1 – Providing the student with skills in how to treat the teeth.

B2 – Providing the student with skills in how to treat the pain.

B3 – Providing the student with the skill in dental cosmetics.

Teaching and learning methods

Using modern electronic means, in addition to sources and references related to the science of dental treatment, fillings, and root fillings, in addition to video clips and practical experiments to achieve a complete understanding of the items and practical application to patients in operative dental clinics in accordance with international standards.

 Evaluation methods

Theoretical and practical exams (daily and monthly).

C– Emotional and value goals

C-1 Enabling the student to be able to diagnose the disease.

 C-2 Make the student able to design special restorations inside the tooth and replace the entire tooth with fixed dental treatments.

 C-3 Enabling the student to make the correct choice of treatment.

  Teaching and learning methods

Linking sequential and interconnected theoretical information with laboratory tests and some shapes, pictures and video clips that make the course a series that is simple for the student to understand.

Evaluation methods

Theoretical and practical exams (daily and monthly).

D – General and qualifying transferable skills (other skills related to employability and personal development)

 D-1 Skill in understanding the external appearance of the tooth in accordance with its aesthetics and function.

 D-2 Skill in designing and preparing the place for the filling to suit its durability and preservation of the remaining parts of the tooth.

D-3 Skill in identifying and studying fixed dental replacement.

 D-4 Skill in knowledge of endodontic treatment.

10. Course structure.

Evaluation methodObjective namelearning outcomeHours of Teaching methodWeek
ExamsDental anatomy 1st stageAddition of learning outcome1theory+ 2 practiceWeekly
ExamsConservative dentistry 3rd stageAddition of learning outcome2theory+2 practiceWeekly
ExamsCrowne and bridge 3rd stageAddition of learning outcome 2theory+2 practiceWeekly
ExamsOperative dentistry 4th stageAddition of learning outcome1theory+ 2 practiceWeekly
ExamsEndodontics+ Operative dentistry+ crown and bridgeAddition of learning outcome1theory+2 practiceWeekly

          11. Infrastructure.

12. Required textbooks: Prescribed methodological books

13. Main references (sources): Sources supporting each course.

A – Recommended books and references: (scientific journals, reports) …., scientific journals in medical and dental specialties.

 B- Electronic references: Internet sites. …. the e-learning website of the University of Karbala

14. Course development plan

 Adding update to the curricula as part of the development occurring in each course, at a rate not exceeding 10%.

Course Description Form (Prosthodontics Branch)

Course description

 This course description provides a summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the learning outcomes that the student is expected to achieve, demonstrating whether he or she has made the most of the learning opportunities available. And start by linking it to the program description.

1. Educational institution: University of Karbala / College of Dentistry

2. Scientific branch/center:  Prosthodontics

3. Course name/code: Dental materials, Prosthodontics, orthodontics, pedodontics, preventive dentistry, community.

4. Available forms of attendance: theoretical, practical

5. Semester/Year: Annual

6. Number of study hours (total): 52.9

7. The date this description was prepared is 4/8/2022

8. Course objectives

– Identifying how to replace missing teeth and the properties of dental materials, diagnosing and how to develop a treatment plan at the community level, straightening and modifying teeth in accordance with aesthetics and function, treating and preventing teeth from decay.

– Methods of diagnosis, methods of treatment, methods of prevention.

– Studying the relationships between prosthetic devices and prosthetic cases.

9. Course outcomes and teaching, learning and evaluation methods.

A- Cognitive objectives

A-1 Learn how prosthetic devices are manufactured.

A-2 Methods of case diagnosis need replacement.

A-3 Methods of case treatment.

A-4 Methods to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissue and preserve the existing ones.

 B – The skills objectives of the course

B1 – That the student is able to diagnose cases of complete and partial replacement of missing teeth.

 B2 – The student learns about dental materials, their chemical reactions, physical properties, and how to use them.

 B3 – Teaching the student to carry out the laboratory steps in making prosthetic dentures.

B4 – The student’s awareness of the importance of replacing missing teeth with removable appliances.

Teaching and learning methods

Theoretically in lectures and practically in the laboratory and clinical clinics

Evaluation methods

Theoretical and practical exams (daily and monthly).

C- Emotional and value goals

C-1 Identify diseases in detail

 C-2 Knowing the most important symptoms and signs to make predictions and questions to reach an accurate diagnosis of the disease

 C-3 Increasing the student’s ability to link events to reach an accurate diagnosis.

 C-4 Expanding the student’s mind in the field of prosthodontics.

Teaching and learning methods

Theoretical/theoretical lectures

Practical/laboratories. Clinics. Evaluation methods

 1- Theoretical exams (daily, monthly, annual)

 2- Practical exams (daily, monthly, annual)

 D – General and qualifying transferable skills (other skills related to employability and personal development)

 D-1 Skill in identifying dental prosthetic devices

  D-2 Skill in how to use and manufacture them.

 D-3 Skill in identifying and studying different treatment options.

Evaluation methods

Theoretical and practical exams (daily and monthly).

10. Course structure

Evaluation methodObjective namelearning outcomeHours of Teaching methodWeek
Exams Prosthodontics (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th stage)Addition of learning outcome4theory+ 8practiceWeekly
Exams Dental material 2nd stageAddition of learning outcome1theory+2 practiceWeekly
Exams Community 3rd stageAddition of learning outcome1theory+2 practiceWeekly
Exams Preventive dentistry 5th stageAddition of learning outcome1theory+2 practiceWeekly
ExamsPedodontics 5th stageAddition of learning outcome1theory+2 practiceWeekly
ExamsOrthodontics 4th, 5th stageAddition of learning outcome2theory+4 practiceWeekly

 11. Infrastructure.

12. Required textbooks: Prescribed methodological books

13. Main references (sources): Sources supporting each course.

A – Recommended books and references: (scientific journals, reports) …., scientific journals in medical and dental specialties.

 B- Electronic references: Internet sites. …. the e-learning website of the University of Karbala

14. Course development plan

 Adding update to the curricula as part of the development occurring in each course, at a rate not exceeding 10%.