Wisdom tooth pain after extraction
There will be some normal swelling after wisdom tooth extraction. Some bleeding may occur after the surgery, so be careful not to leave it in your mouth, clean the area… Read more »
There will be some normal swelling after wisdom tooth extraction. Some bleeding may occur after the surgery, so be careful not to leave it in your mouth, clean the area… Read more »
After dental surgery, pay attention to the following points:
The American Dental Association recommends that people get their teeth checked before the age of 20 to see if their wisdom teeth are developing or decaying. If necessary, a qualified… Read more »
Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of molars to erupt. The reason for the extraction of these teeth is due to the improper roots and… Read more »
The pain and swelling that occurs after a wisdom tooth extraction is a normal part of the healing process. How long does it take for wisdom tooth pain to go… Read more »
If the cause of tooth decay is due to the patient’s neurological problems, in addition to seeing a dentist, it is also necessary to see a neurologist and a psychiatrist…. Read more »
What is certain is that when your teeth grind and rub against each other, the enamel will wear off over time. After the loss of tooth enamel, the teeth become… Read more »
Bruxism appears to be genetically related and is equally common in both men and women. If bruxism is not treated in people who do not have nerve problems, the teeth… Read more »
Patients who brush their teeth can be divided into two categories. The orthodontist or dentist will suggest the appropriate treatment for the patient depending on which of the two groups… Read more »
Teeth rubbing or squeaking appears from one individual to another, some when angry and some when sleeping. Stridor often occurs without the presence of nerve failure or other lesion, a… Read more »