What do you do when your child has bruised teeth?

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Dental bruises are common among children, especially those of school age. Due to the nature of activities in school and the activity level of children, dental and gum accidents are common. Although it is not necessary to visit the pediatric dentist (https://www.invisaligncenter.ae/pediatric-dentistry/) for every incident, some require urgent care from a specialist to save the tooth and reduce complications.

What are dental trauma in children?

Dental bruises mean any damage to the teeth or what surrounds them, and they usually arise due to accidents affecting the mouth, which leads to bleeding gums, tearing of the lip tissue, loosening, falling or cracking of the teeth. Jaw injuries are rare but still possible, depending on the severity of the trauma.

How can these injuries be treated?

Bruised teeth cause pain, swelling, and bleeding, which can be a terrifying experience for you and your baby. But it is an injury that requires urgent treatment. We’ll go over what to do below.

Control of bleeding

The first thing to do is to control the bleeding, if any, as blood loss can lead to dizziness. It is also difficult to assess the extent of the injury and determine the appropriate treatment. So you have to try to stop the bleeding. First you have to press the bleeding area with a wet cold compress. If your child can follow the instructions, the child is told to bite down on the bandage to stop the bleeding.

reduce swelling

Although it is impossible to completely avoid swelling, try to reduce it as much as possible so that the wound can heal. For example, you can place ice wrapped in a cloth on the child’s cheek or lip. If possible, place an ice cube in the child’s mouth for sucking and to reduce swelling.

Take painkillers

Tooth bruises can cause unbearable pain, so you have to relieve the pain, and analgesic drugs may help in that, but the orthodontist (https://www.invisaligncenter.ae/pediatric-dentistry/) advises the use of drugs suitable for children only, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. When the pain subsides, the child will calm down and you can leave him alone for a bit to call the dentist if needed or for any other reason.

Contact your dentist

After your child has calmed down, assess the extent of the damage and contact the dentist, who will guide you on the next steps to take. In some cases, such as loose milk teeth, additional treatments may not be needed, as they will fall out and permanent teeth will grow in their place. However, if the permanent teeth are damaged, your child will require a thorough examination with us at the clinic to determine if they need a dental crown or veneer. Lacerated tissue of the gums or lips requires antibiotics and ointment to reduce inflammation and infection.

If you follow the previous steps, it will be easy to deal with dental bruises. If there is no need for treatments at first and then you notice any additional symptoms such as pigmentation, pain or pus, you should visit the dentist immediately.