The College of Dentistry holds a workshop on preparing histological sections for microscopic examination

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The Continuing Education Division of the College of Dentistry held a workshop on preparing tissue sections for microscopic examination, with the participation of a group of teachers, laboratory workers and second-stage students.

The workshop aimed to explain the methods of preparing and processing tissue for microscopic examination.

The workshop, in which the teacher Hassanein Jawad and Mrs. Sumaya Hussein Abdel-Amir lectured, included an explanation of the details and methods of work
How to use a microtome
And how to take samples from the body, stabilize them, and treat them with several chemical solutions, and techniques for adding dyes to them so that they can be examined microscopically by means of a microscope.
As well as displaying the diagnosis of a set of pre-prepared histological sections models.
Faraqed Abd al-Ridha / the media of the college