Dead ulcerative gingivitis – causes

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Treatment is to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth:

Mechanically, by improving the quality of oral care by brushing, and by performing a process of scaling the teeth in the clinic – but in a simple manner in the first session because it is very painful for the patient – chemically through oral rinses, and we use in the treatment of this case mouthwashes containing 3 percent oxygenated water because of its fatal effect on this condition. germs, for a period of up to 3 weeks, chlorhexidine rinses can also be used, but less effectively.

Elimination of predisposing factors such as improving the quality of food, increasing the amount of vegetables, fruits and nutritious foods, avoiding spicy or spicy foods.

Stop smoking and alcohol consumption, even temporarily.

Treatment of distress and psychological distress.

Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories may be prescribed to relieve pain.