Learn about the benefits and secrets of black seed

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The Arabs knew it thousands of years ago and the Europeans discovered it in the last century. The black seed or Nigella sativa is a medicine for many diseases, especially its oil, due to its high nutritional value and medicinal properties.

Nigella sativa is a plant herb that grows annually in the Mediterranean basin and belongs to the anise family. The fruit of this plant contains a capsule containing three-dimensional white seeds, whose colors turn black after exposure to air. The black seed is also called black cumin.

The benefits of the black seed are many, and eating it protects against many diseases, and scientists have worked since the last century to know how the black seed works, which necessitated knowing the components of the seeds, especially since the Arabs and the people of North Africa and some Asian countries have long known about the benefits of the black seed and were keen to eat it, and it is better Use of black seed oil.

Here we remember what the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, said about the black seed: ((You have this black seed, for in it is a cure for every disease except poison))

The following benefits are some of the advantages of Nigella sativa:

1. Pain relief: Nigella sativa is used as a pain reliever, and Nigella sativa oil contributes to the process of wound healing and treatment of the effects of large burns resulting from chemical weapons, and taking the pill also reduces the side effects resulting from opium addiction.

2. Treatment for cancer: Recent scientific studies have proven the feasibility of the Arabic and Eastern treatment method for Nigella sativa against some cancer diseases, such as bowel cancer. The pill works to stop the growth of cancer cells and prevent their spread in the body.

And Nigella sativa prevents the growth of other types of cancer, as shown by some experiments conducted by the scientists of the “Laboratory for the Treatment of Cancer by Biological Methods” in the US state of South California. Scientists stated that the black seed has a great effect on the production of blood cells and strengthens the body’s immunity against cancer, as mentioned by the “Apotekin Omshaw” medical website.

3. A source of energy: Nigella sativa contains many important nutrients for the body, in addition to vitamins, minerals, plant proteins, and some unsaturated fatty acids.

How to take black seed:

It is recommended to eat very small amounts of black seed, either by grinding it or sprinkling its seeds on foodstuffs or with salads, and the grain can be ground and mixed with water and drunk as well.

Experts of the German site “Zentrum der Gesundheit” recommend eating Nigella sativa daily and an hour before a meal. The seed’s fat can be mixed with honey to reduce its pungent taste. In cases of cancer treatment, it is recommended to eat a spoonful of Nigella sativa three times a day.