Scientists: Wi-Fi negatively affects human health

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University of California scientists conducted a scientific study, the results of which confirmed previous assumptions, according to which Wi-Fi networks negatively affect human health, in addition to causing wilting of plants, with the exception of cacti, which grow at rapid rates due to them.

500 middle-income families participated in the experiments conducted by the scientists, who used Wi-Fi daily.

The results showed the emergence of pathological symptoms and an imbalance in the functioning of the digestive system in the area where this network is located, in addition to a high level of blood pressure and other pathological symptoms.

It has also been shown that the Wi-Fi network causes sleep disturbances in sensitive people and children, so it is recommended to separate it at night.

This research is continuing, but the mechanism of Wi-Fi effect on the human body has not yet been finally known, because knowing this mechanism will allow the creation of prevention methods, especially since these networks have spread widely in homes, cafes, various means of transportation, and even in public parks.