This is how we protect our eyes in front of the phone and computer screen

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Scientists talk about what looks like a global epidemic sweeping the world, because people spend a lot of time staring at screens, employees spend hours at their desks working in front of a computer, then they use smartphones and laptops in their free time, even while eating or when lying in bed.

In front of this continuous sitting in front of the screens day after day, month after month, year after year, one will find himself suffering after several years of eye problems.

Most of those who suffer from this problem are those born in the eighties of the last century, because they are the generation that began its adolescence and youth with the spread of computers and smart phones.

In the West, especially in the United States, experts warn of the so-called “digital diseases” that affect the eyes. A recent study shows that 68 percent of the eighties generation suffers from these diseases, as reported by the German newspaper “Die Welt”.

• How do eye problems occur?

Eye suffering begins after two hours or more of staring at the screen. The mechanism of the problem is as follows:

The lens of the eye loses its elasticity, and you have to make more effort to see close objects clearly and accurately.

Symptoms of infection range from redness of the eye to burning in the eye, as well as dry eyes, inability to see clearly, eye fatigue, and the suffering extends to include pain in the head, back and neck, and according to health experts, eye problems may develop into a serious disease.

• How to protect the eye and alleviate its suffering?

Undoubtedly, the easiest answer is to give up all kinds of screens and not look at them, but this is not possible in our current age, so how can the eye’s suffering be alleviated without completely dispensing with these devices?

1. Reducing the time we spend staring at screens.

2. Taking frequent short breaks, so that one looks away from the screen and looks at a point as far away as possible, such as getting up from his chair and going to the window and looking towards the far horizon. This should happen once every 20 minutes.

3. Proper positioning of the computer screen: The upper edge of the computer screen should be five to ten centimeters below eye level. The eyes should be kept away from the screen, about 50 to 75 centimeters, as advised by the Bizmiss website.

4. The position of the air conditioner and the fan: The air conditioner and the fan must be placed in a place far from the eyes so that the current that you send does not come directly to our face.

5. Applying the principle of “and cure it with that which was the disease”: there is an electronic application through which a person can test whether he suffers from pressure and fatigue, and this application tests the amount of time that the eye needs to see a distant object with high accuracy, then see the screen with high accuracy, And vice versa.

6. Looking at the distant horizon is very important, because it fully reflects the true ability of our eyes, so we must constantly look at the farthest possible point.