A scientific committee at the University of Karbala organizes a workshop to clarify the law related to promotions

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The Central Academic Promotion and Support Committee, headed by the University of Karbala, organized a workshop to clarify the paragraphs related to the Scientific Promotions Law (167 of 2017).
The head of the Central Promotions and Scientific Support Committee, Professor Zuhair Jabbar Al-Asadi, said: “The aim of the workshop is to set a clear road map for the conduct of promotion transactions and avoid some obstacles to reduce the period of completion of the transaction.”
Al-Asadi explained: “The workshop was able to clarify the paragraphs of the Promotion Law (167 of 2017), in addition to setting a practical plan for the progress of the promotion process, unifying the schedules and documents required for the process, and finally discussing the problems that require the return of the transaction.