Straight teeth fit more easily into the jaw. Oblique teeth have the same condition. But horizontal teeth require very hard work and it is not right to do this because it causes loosening of the adjacent teeth and the patient will be required to extract these teeth. So it’s not that we immediately decide to extract every latent tooth we see. The underlying teeth may be vertical and oblique, and it is possible to reposition them within the arch.
Some patients may have all four canines residual, and some patients may have only two residual canines in the upper jaw, or one canine. Other teeth besides the canine tooth can also be affected. For example, the fourth and fifth teeth, which this also applies to. In fact, when the arrangement of the teeth is disturbed, other teeth are also impacted. In general, a space can be opened for each underlying tooth and the tooth can be repositioned using orthodontic wire and brackets.