In preparation for the new academic year.. Karbala Engineering opens the Anatomy Laboratory after being rehabilitated

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The Deanship of the College of Engineering at the University of Karbala inaugurated the Anatomy Laboratory in the Department of Industrial Limbs and Supports Engineering after its rehabilitation before the start of the new academic year 2023-2024. The Deanship of the College of Engineering conducted a complete rehabilitation process for the laboratory, which included the infrastructure and equipment used, including models of the muscular and skeletal system, models of the circulatory system, and the nervous and digestive systems. And the respiratory system and the reproductive system and other various body systems to meet the students’ need to perform practical activities and develop their practical skills. The laboratory will receive students from the Departments of Life Medicine Engineering and Engineering of Prosthetic Limbs and Supports, as the laboratory is an important facility that contributes to raising the level of students’ reception of scientific curricula and refining their skills in the field of engineering of prosthetic limbs and supports or biomedical engineering.