The Times World Classification announced the results of its new edition for the year 2024, which classified and evaluated one thousand nine hundred and four universities from one hundred and eight countries around the world.
Iraqi universities achieved this ranking (!/length/25/locations/IRQ/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats ) A significant increase in number compared to last year’s edition, where the results recorded that thirteen universities achieved positive ranks in terms of global competition, where the University of Technology ranked (801-1000), then Al-Nahrain University ranked (1201-1500), then Al-Qadisiyah University (1201-1500). The University of Babylon (1201 – 1500), the University of Diyala (1201 – 1500), and then the University of Anbar (1501+), the University of Baghdad (1501+), the University of Basra (1501+), the University of Karbala (1501+), the University of Kufa (1501+), and the Central Technical University (1501). +) University of Mosul (1501+) and Al-Mustansiriya University (1501+).
The Times World Classification adopts main standards for classifying universities based on eighteen indicators to evaluate and measure performance in five areas: teaching (learning environment) 29.5%, research environment 29%, research quality 30%, international outlook 7.5%, and industry income 4%.
In this context, the representative of the Times Foundation in the Middle East and Africa, Mr. Nicholas Davis, announced during the Iraq Education Exhibition and Conference 2023 that Iraq, for the first time, ranks 37th globally in light of the Times results, which indicates the quality of teaching and scientific research:
Department of Information and Government Communications
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
September 27, 2023