The training course on the Excel program entitled (Basic and Advanced Skills for the Excel Program) was launched at the College of Dentistry / University of Karbala with the participation of a group of professors and employees of the college. The first day of the course included an introductory introduction to the program with the most important uses of the program in the field of mathematical equations and also some of the statistical functions used. In the field of scientific research, with an expanded explanation of the main interface of the program and how to create the various tables.
The aim of this course, which was lectured by Assistant Lecturer Anwar Abdul-Hussein Al-Amiri, is to learn about the advantages of the Excel program and to benefit from the capabilities of this program in the administrative work of the college’s employees and also for the teaching staff in creating some special statistics functions in the field of scientific research, noting that the course continues until the end. This week, every day at ten in the morning in the computer laboratory at the College of Dentistry, everyone is invited.