What are the unexpected and stressful things?

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Many believe that the cause of stress and anxiety is due to the exhaustion of continuous travel, or financial problems, and early work, but in fact there are several reasons that they are ignorant of, which can affect the accumulation of stress.

Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto, Dr. Scott Schemen, said that knowing the underlying causes of stress may help avoid it and prepare to face situations better. Here are the most common causes of stress:

Not observing the customs and space between you and the partner: the need to find smart ways and keys to balance the relationship and make concessions, and leave all areas open for dialogue and discussion in light of many issues that may cause pressure in the relationship, such as parenting and the style of spending on the family.

• Infection with stress: You may feel anxious if you know that some of the people close to you have had a painful accident or developed a chronic disease, as a result of the increase in the rate of cortisol production responsible for stress.

• The effect of social media: Excessive use of social media leads to sharing difficult situations with friends, which adds more stress to your life.

• Focusing on negative and stressful things: it is possible to escape to positive activities such as walking and driving.

• Too much coffee and tea: These drinks lead to a feeling of tension and stress.

• Feeling resentful in the event of failure of future expectations: This may affect mental clarity, which necessitates the need to set realistic goals for personal and professional aspirations.

• Not dealing properly with the pressure around you: Do not try to solve the problem by doubling the working hours and eating harmful fast food, which may lead to a negative impact on energy.

• Multitasking: Multitasking leads to increased tension and stress, and poor productivity.

• Adopting an extreme healthy lifestyle: The feeling of obsession with following a low-carbohydrate diet negatively affects anxiety and fatigue.

• Non-participation in household tasks, work and responsibilities: Sharing responsibility leads to a sense of greater comfort and women’s sense of equality with men.

• Feeling pressure from raising animals: Some people are affected by their relationship with pets, which puts more responsibilities on them.