The President of the University of Karbala inaugurates the College of Engineering students’ projects exhibition

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The President of the University of Karbala, Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Nayel Al-Saidi, inaugurated the third edition of the Faculty of Engineering students’ projects exhibition, in the presence of the administrative and scientific assistants to the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Akram Mohsen Al-Yasiri and Prof. Dr. Najm Abdul-Hussein.

The exhibition pavilions hosted a wide range of scientific projects implemented by undergraduate students in the College of Engineering as part of the requirements for obtaining a bachelor’s degree, as the displayed achievements simulate the requirements of the labor market in various sectors.

The President of the University, Dr. Basem Al-Saeedi, praised the efforts of the students and their professors for the qualitative projects they presented that address many problems in various government sectors.

He stressed the university’s keenness to invest these scientific innovations and put them into effect by presenting them to the relevant authorities in Karbala Governorate to find their way to implementation and to benefit from them in addressing the problems that hinder work in the sectors of the state.

The projects submitted by students from various departments of the College of Engineering addressed various problems related to sectors such as health, construction, electricity and fire protection, as these applied scientific achievements represent the first step for college students towards entering the labor market.